Stories from Sahara Desert

When you hear Sahara  desert you think many things some may be true and some just a mere assumptions. One thing I have learnt  is that assumptions are deadly, So allow me to help you get rid of some of your doubts, answer  a few of your questions  so that you will not have to assume any more. 

 I will be doing a series titled stories from Sahara Desert it will be worth reading. 

     I  look  forward  to an adventure  as I share some  interesting  stories about  Borno state  and more on Maiduguri  but of course  with with the help to those who have walked the soil of Borno, breathe it's air and from many who see it as home. I may also be going  back and forth Memory  lane so trust me when I say it will be fun. 

Did you know Borno State is the second-largest Nigerian state by area? Well it is the second  largest in Nigeria by area and it is located in North east Nigeria,it's capital  is Maiduguri. 

     To follow this series, keep checking  this  blog every weekend  for something  new.




  1. Replies
    1. Thank you and a million thanks for always being supportive

    2. Thank you and a million thanks for always being supportive

  2. Go girl. Bring it on already.

  3. Nice write up girl, can't wait to read more interesting story about Borno state


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