Have you ever been in a position where you had to wait or stand on a queue for so long that you gave up? It can be so frustrating to wait for a long time to get something. Waiting for too long has caused many to run into a state of depression.

   Stop looking out your window so anxiously for Prince charming to show up, there is so much you can do while prince charming is on his way. Do not get so soaked up in your current condition that your feet become too heavy to move. I mean never keep your whole life on hold because you are waiting for a contract, more kids, a better job or that call you imagine will change your life for good. When you become too worried and constantly think about your pain, you begin to lose the moment .Time is so precious and should not be wasted on the “unprofitable” such as worry. Waiting becomes Life threatening when you are unable to maintain the right attitude while you wait. Remember, a person may be far behind in a queue but where one man stands is another man's next spot. Your current level is another man’s goal.

  It is good to be ambitious to set goals, targets and pursue them but what happens when due to situations beyond your control they don’t happen or you are just unable to achieve them within the time frame you set?  Now I am not saying you should become complacent and constantly compare yourself with people who are yet to achieve what you have been able to achieve just to console yourself. I am only saying that you should not become too familiar with your current phase that you feel it’s not a big deal. What you have achieved is someone’s next goal and the level you have gotten to is where someone is praying and hoping to get to. You may think you have waited too long but there are so many things you didn’t have to wait for. Everyone has their time and season. Yours may take long but it will surely come. Keep hope alive!
Five things to do while you wait….

1.       Celebrate life and be happy, celebrate your current stage. You could do your favorite things, something fun yet positive. 

2.       Do not sit; prepare yourself for the miracle you are waiting for. You cannot be too prepared. 
3.       Be faithful in little. How well are you handling your blessings, the people in your life, the one child you have, your small house, current job or even your little income? How can you handle more when you are unfaithful with little?
4.       Stretch out your hands to help, everything can’t go down in your life at the same time there is always something to give even if it’s a smile. 
5.       Surround yourself with the optimistic, the people you surround yourself with, music you listen to or words you choose to listen to should cheer you and not bring you down. Sometimes you may have to stretch your hands for happiness and make an effort to stay happy.
   I usually dance in the morning for me it is fun and places me in a good mood. It is also a form of exercise.What is it that you consider fun that has a positive impact on you or those around you? Please share…


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for the encouragement.Thanks for reading too.

  2. True. Enjoying and appreciating the Journey is key. I will definitely keep hope alive. Great piece.

  3. Great piece here! Well, I consider the way that I think and process information to be fun and I try to present those around me with an honest opinion... This also helps me to be still in times when I feel that I'm 'WAITING TOO LONG' Cos my mind can keep me occupied and that's fun for me as vague as it sounds...

    1. Thanks for reading Ken....wow!thats one unique way to have fun while waiting.good one!

  4. Quite inspiring. More grace Debbie;I was particularly happy when I saw one of the scriptural principles in the write up.Luke 16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. May you never lack inspiration. Amen

  5. "Remember, a person may be far behind in a queue but where one man stands is another man's next spot. Your current level is another man’s goal" This is such an amazing analogy!! One of the things I do while I wait is imagine myself telling stories of how hard it was to get to the place I'm hoping to get to when I finally get there. I appreciate the wait better knowing that my story will encourage someone some time later. Beautiful piece, Keep up the good work Debs xx

    1. wow that is a good one.Imagination is powerful and I am glad you are using your imagination well.Thanks B,for taking out time to read and for your interesting comment xx


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