Just a few seconds

    Today I checked my blog and noticed it has been abandoned for so long, I could give a thousand and one reasons why but is there really a genuine reason? There is so much worth sharing and the truth is there is absolutely no reason not to.
      A lot has happened lately but the most recent that struck me is the death of  a colleague...you know why?
I thought I had more time, I thought  a hello will do for now....
 It dawned on me that with some people you will only have a year,with some a month ,some a week,some a day and others just a few seconds therefore don't misuse an opportunity to reach out.

   More often than not you may never get the chance again to give a nice compliment, a smile, a hug , or share some laughter, you may never get a chance to say good bye.

 Don't wait for a person to be gone forever before saying how much that person is loved or appreciated, or how grateful you are for how much impact they have made in your life.

Size every moment,reach out now while you can.The fact remains that we do not have all the time in the world but we have  enough time to add some value to our world.We have just enough time to truly live.

When you have a chance to help or to make someone happy use it wisely because you never know if all you got is just a few seconds to make a lasting impact.


  1. True words... Life is so short. We have to make the best of the time we have.


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