Love at the Gallery

I was curious to know what was awaiting me but trying to picture what lies ahead was not really helping so I relaxed and  looked forward to a good time. climbing the stairs,I said to myself.this it ! Unsure of  what to expect ,I still made up my mind to go all the same.As soon as I stepped  into the room  I could not contain my excitement.for me,it was love at first sight .I was blown away and before long I fell in love with  the paintings on the  wall.

 I was not alone at the art exhibition.My friends who happen to appreciate art  were in attendance as well and  were  equally thrilled. Unfortunately pictures are not enough   to express the incredible feeling and the quality  of  the painting we saw.Being faced with a the hand made paintings was really heartwarming.
Art  is  beautiful , For a every piece there is a story.At a time these paintings were unreal, unseen , untouched  because they  were mere thoughts ,dreams , colors in the mind  until the artist got to work , kept working at it until it became a finished work. Even so are our dreams and goals , our thoughts and imagination , You decide what you make of those dreams . The Artist a fine young Man by name  Musa  Sule had put  in much effort and creativity to his work so much that It was difficult to choose a favorite.
Favorite Painting

Some paintings stood out , There was a really detailed painting capturing the beauty of  nature green vegetation , beautiful mountain and waterfall  a combination of all these will surely give a peacful feel, I could not help but notice the mist.

There was also a monochromatic painting  that stood out , dark shades , a tree and a full moon, some one decided to  name it dried moon, I found it hilarious and pretty clever.

I was drawn to painting with with bright colours different yet complimenting each other.In my opinion this piece will cheer you on a gloomy day.looking and the tree in the midst of the colours  illustrate how colourful life would be if we all do our part . Of a truth Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.” -John Lubbock 

 the  African Woman is a name I gave to one of the paintings  for obvious reasons, This painting clearly expresses the beauty of an African woman and her  strength, I could not help but notice the strokes on  the background, If you look closely you will see Africa literally.As I watched closely  I said to myself what a detailed and creative touch.

If you  are also a romantic you will definately notice the loveydovey work of art , which sort depicts love in a beautiful way.

I love butterflies  ,For me  looking at a butterfly is a reminder that even an ugly situation is a lesson, beauty can come from ugly,joy can emerge through pain,no contidion is permanent.The painting with the butterfly brought this to mind once more.

"I will stay with you" is what I call the painting of a couple walking hand in hand with their pet on path I would like to call the path of life.This painting is not just beautiful but its also really creative, beautiful colours and a message of love trust ,faithfulness and friendship.I was unable to capture this exceptional piece of art on camera.
Yes there was a touch of culture and history in Musa's work , have you ever heard of the Shehu's Palace? The painting of the Shehu's Palace is a must have for individuals and even organizations.Such an amazing  sight to behold.

To be honest , all paintings were captivating and unique, there was colour, nature, love ,life , so much more depicted in each work. In a time of technology it is good to know that there are people out there who use their hands and are pretty good at it.

Musa and his team  has clearly shown  by their actions that while it is good to have a creative mind it is much more important to put it to use.The M art  Gallery opened  opened officially with an Art exhibition.Totally worth visiting and the paintings there are  much more valuable  than the price attached to it .

Do you have dreams of doing something like this ?Henri Matisse said Creativity takes courage and I totally agree, you would have to rise above the nay sayers and critics, rise above your fears, and Like Musa Sule make those dreams come true.
The Artist Musa Sule

If you  love creativity, art , beautiful things or are you just looking out fobr somewhere fun to visit?Then  M_Art Gallery is where you should be headed to.Visit them opposite unity bank(former bank of the north) post office area Maiduguri as soon you can ,  I bet you would not want to leave without a painting as a souvenir.


  1. Wow. Nice interpretation. I didn't think of some of those paintings in the light u put it. It definitely takes an artist to understand artist. Weldone

    1. usually people will have varying views of the same thing. Thank you so much for reading.

  2. I love tho colourful one with two pieces. Looks good. You look good and Musa is a handsome young man as well. Love your write up as well.

    1. Thanks Onome for reading and sharing your thoughts on this.Thankyou for the compliments too.

  3. This is beautiful. I just had a repeat of the experience I had there. Here on my bed. Nice piece.

    1. Thanks Roy, I am glad you were able to re live the experience.Thanks again

  4. This is lovely. For those who haven't seen it, you brought the paintings to life with your words. The artist is really talented and through his heavy and light strokes you could feel the emotions he had while making those paintings.

  5. Wow! I love this essay as usual Debbie. And thank you for the referrals. Just knowing about the art gallery for the first time.

  6. Waaaaaw! What a breathtaking piece. You make the art work come sooo real. Even a philistine will fall in love with this. Bravo.

  7. It's really amazing piece.
    Art is beautiful!

  8. Christy Wakawa26 May 2020 at 17:08

    Life in art.......

  9. Wow.....
    This is what we thought as just a simple scenario, expressed with so much depth in passion with an incredible good quality choice of words.
    It was pleasant reading this. 🤗🤗


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