World book day

I am particularly concerned about children in Nigeria that are out of school.
There are loads of them
Its really sad

 In Borno state Nigeria you still find a lot of children who are out of school some due to insurgency, others poverty, some also due to parental neglect and many other reasons there are few Non profit organizations that try to help with sending children back to school, Afew people with good hearts contribute to sending children to school but more is still required.
Idleness is the root cause of several  problems including violence.

Let the young people's mind be engaged positively for a better Nigeria
I like what Shakuntala Devi said "Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life"

If you can,give a child a book today
Let's make the world a better place
Happy World book day!


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