Female Genital Mutilation

I picked up my phone  today and since today is international  day of zero tolerance for Female genital mutilation(FGM) I decided  to join to spread the awareness using all my social media  platforms, even though  I thought  to my self that the people around me were well aware of the  consequences of FGM.  I knew that this was a common practice among the shuwa kanuri people  of Borno state.A friend  of mine recently  shared  with  me the result of one of his research and Out of 50cases of vesico vaginal fistula more than 50% were due to FGM.

   I was shocked  when one of my contacts  responded  to my update on zero tolerance to FGM saying but I heard its good, She added my mum did it to me, my sisters ,and cousins  and we turned  out fine,she even  adviced my aunt to do it to her children. I was shocked, I didn't  expect  this from her, I thought  it was more common  with   people in rural areas  but I was wrong.For a lot of people  it is a culture  and despite  their education or ecposure
They carry on with the practice.
   I was curious  to know why her mum did it and she said it is to  prevent girls from getting  To prevent ladies from feeling excited all the time as it  May tempt them to having sex.
      I told her that it had health implications and shared the consequences with her
Immediate consequences:
1. Urinary tract dysfunction
2. Severe bleeding
3. Septic shock
4. Hypovolemic shock
5. Severe infection
Long term consequences
1. Painful labour & delivery
2. Birth complications and surgery
3. Scaring
4. Pain during intercourse
5. Painful menstruation
6. Tatanus bacterial infection
7. Fistulas & tears see link for details  https://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/topics/fgm/health_consequences_fgm/en/
I then advised her to not do it to her to not do it to her child.She was grateful for the advice.
Let us help spread this message .Feel free to share your thoughts too.



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