Alternative Strategy

Hello Everyone, It feels good to be back. My long break was really adventurous.The experiences gathered are worth sharing.Trust me when I say my stories are long and unending.Today,I will stick to the title  because I believe someone needs to read this.
I love kids, they are really fun to be with although sometimes they can  be  a  nuisance.Most times they are of my  little friends about the age of  three came around with his loosed shoe lace and I had to help him tie it.While I was tying the shoe  lace, he broke the silence.
Here  is our little conversation;
Boy: I am going to build you a house
Me: OK????
Boy: I can really build a house
( I shook my head and smiled)

Boy: I can build a very tall house
Me:That is good....but how will you build me a house,What will you need to build the house?
Boy :YOU will give me the list of the things for building the house.Then,I will buy them and build

(I was amazed at how he  pushed the responsibility of choosing building materials to me)
Me: very funny....So I will give you the list of what to buy?ok? What will you do after buying the thing and .how will you build the house?I mean where will you start from?will you teach me?
Boy:On the list YOU will write how to build the house

 (Now I am thinking to myself, how clever,I tell the person who "knows" how to build tall buildings what to use for building and still write down the steps???wow)

Boy:You see I can build a house
Me: Yeah! You are A professional at this...clap for yourself.
  I sure had a good laugh, He was so confident he could build yet  I was to tell him the building materials and show him steps on how to build.The truth is You can do whatever you set your mind to do.This three year old never gave up even though he had no idea of  building materials or the steps involved in building , He believed he could and kept thinking solutions.

  • Always believe you CAN.BELIEVE and the I CAN attitude triggers your mind and spurs ideas from within.If you BELIEVE  you can,YOU CAN.
  • When you encounter difficulties do not give up rather think of an alternative strategy.Never let a stumble in the road be the end of the journey.
  • Be confident about what you believe , let your words sound sure.Do not waver and do not Cower.  

I hope you found this helpful and worth reading, Please drop your comments and questions or send a mail to
Stay inspired......


  1. Hmmm.....Really inspired, Answers to the How, What, When and Why always out there, just be creative to ask. Thank you Debbie (Zeera)

  2. This is like none other. I really love this piece

  3. Hmmm, deep and nice. The things we learn from children, right?
    Wow. :)

  4. Inspiring! Always believe in yourself. Nice one Debbie


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