Get inspired,stay inspired: 2O17  IS THE YEAR...

 Sound the alarm because finally, the long awaited blog is here. I had always wanted to blog, thought it, dreamed it, but never put it to action. Truly there is a huge difference between dreams and action. “Almost cannot kill a bird”. Procrastination steals time and fear is a chain that holds you bound and keeps you from realizing your full potential. Sometimes you know what you should be doing and how to go about it but you keep entertaining the fear of “what if it doesn’t work out”. That is exactly my story but today I am here exactly where I dreamed to be, and against all odds I stepped out, I know you can do same. Take that risk and enjoy the adventure. 


  2016 is over but not forgotten. I can remember clearly the last day in 2016 I was really happy, I was hopeful and looking forward to a new day it felt as if I had been lifted from miry clay and placed on a rock to stay. I still recall how I scribbled down what I didn’t want in my life from that year and threw it in the fire, watching it burn gave me so much satisfaction because When I think 2016, I think tough times, bitter moments, tears, insomnia, post-traumatic stress disorder, pain, betrayal, uncertainties, anger and more. Most of my experiences were ugly; I still recall jumping out of my sleep more often than not. Tough times I must say. I couldn’t notice what was going wrong around me because I was lost in my pain. I asked the common questions why and what next ….

I hear a good morning and I give a fake smile in response but deep down, I am asking myself “is this a good morning???”Today, I can proudly and boldly say that 2016 was the best year so far. It was a perfect explanation of the popular phrase “sorrows may last the night but joy will come in the morning” my night was a LONG DARK one. The good news is I survived, and best part is I am willing to share how this is possible, how you can actually do better and be better and also inspire you to rise up and become the person you should be. I am extremely excited about this because I know that someone’s Life is about to change forever and for the better.

 It is impossible to say my success story and skip 2016 because this was the year that my journey to becoming took another turn that changed the movement from a slow pace jerking movement to a high speed, non-stopping movement.Right in the midst of ugly I saw beauty and understood that there is always something to be grateful for.I began to notice the blessings I had ignored, a healthy body, a working brain,  relevant friends, awesome family, loving and  understanding siblings, brilliant ideas, and growth in every aspect of my life. In the midst of  ugly, I saw beauty. I was given beauty for ashes.

 Every New Year begins with screams all around the world, fireworks, joyous sounds of hope, goals and believes that THIS IS THE YEAR. However, The whole excitement could just be an excitement of the time which is triggered by the joyous atmosphere and a happy crowd, and most people just go with the flow for the fact that it’s a season to be merry, a routine, the same excitement they had on the first day of 2016 which faded before the year fully began. The excitement and hope didn’t necessarily make it “the year” they hoped it would be. I have been there and I can tell you that a happy year goes beyond the happy feel, the jumping, screaming and the happy New Year wish. In a matter of days, weeks or months reality stares in your face and the excitement could fade. Debiraayinspires is here to get you inspired and make you stay inspired. 

Welcome to another year and a better you. All you need to do is;
Keep the fireworks on: By fireworks, I mean your hopes, dreams, and goals and don’t forget to always maintain the attitude of gratitude. Keep your hope and dreams alive and keep your eyes on those goals while working at them.

Internalize the goals: There is a huge difference between having head knowledge and having a heart knowledge of who you are and where you are going. Make your goals a part of you and believe it is possible, dream it and speak it into existence until it becomes real, touchable and feel able

Starve fear: Do not ponder over how impossible things are, how incapable you are or even the possibility of failure. How to do this is by thinking the exact opposite; Think possibility, think how capable you are and the possibility of success.
Burn the negatives: Life can present you with bitter moments, storms, and very tough situations but it doesn’t last forever. Don’t make it last longer that it should and more importantly don’t let it define you. Carrying a baggage from your past will just weigh you down and ruin your beautiful future. Just let it go, allow it to burn to ashes like a paper in the fire. Tough times shouldn’t make us bitter or resentful it should only make us Better. Learn and keep moving
   If 2016 was a dream come true year for you, I say congratulations!!! If it was not, well it is not over yet you just need to keep the fireworks because 2017 can be THE YEAR for YOU it’s really up to YOU….
 Its just few days into January and I have ticked the first box on my 2017 to do list. What’s yours?


  1. Debs you gave set the motion, don't stop until you get to where you want to be.#supportersclub@debbieogenyi

    1. I won't...Thankyou so much.Please watch out for the next post.

  2. Ohhhhh.... I am super excited. Just know that i am your number one fan. XOXO

    1. Great!!really good to know.thanks a million xoxo

  3. Well put. I wish you the best

  4. Great!!! the key is keep the fire burning and never loose touch of the reason for the fireworks. #FocusDetermination=Result

  5. Dream it. Find out what it takes to achieve it. Put action plans in place. Then act accordingly while maintaining discipline. Success then becomes yours.

  6. Dream it. Find out what it takes to achieve it. Put action plans in place. Then act accordingly while maintaining discipline. Success then becomes yours.

  7. My dear friend this has always bin my wish for u and am so excited u av actualised it. I support this and u can always count on me 100%

    1. Thanks Chima.This means alot to me.Thanks for your support.

  8. Mmm Debby Kudos to your work, keep it up. It seems you were just talking to me

  9. Mmm Debby Kudos to your work, keep it up. It seems you were just talking to me

  10. Mmm Debby Kudos to your work, keep it up. It seems you were just talking to me

  11. Mmm Debby Kudos to your work, keep it up. It seems you were just talking to me

    1. Thanks for reading Rhoda.Glad to know you enjoyed reading.

  12. Fantastic start.Keep it coming. Inspire the world.

  13. Thankyou so much and truth is paypayvirtue is one blog to visit.we are in this together.


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