Love at the Gallery

I was curious to know what was awaiting me but trying to picture what lies ahead was not really helping so I relaxed and looked forward to a good time. climbing the stairs,I said to myself.this it ! Unsure of what to expect ,I still made up my mind to go all the same.As soon as I stepped into the room I could not contain my excitement.for me,it was love at first sight . I was blown away and before long I fell in love with the paintings on the wall. I was not alone at the art exhibition.My friends who happen to appreciate art were in attendance as well and were equally thrilled. Unfortunately pictures are not enough to express the incredible feeling and the quality of the painting we saw.Being faced with a the hand made paintings was really heartwarming. Art is beautiful , For a every piece there is a story.At a time these paintings were unreal, unseen , untouched...