Cake Tasting

Yes! We came we cake tasted and we conquered It wasn't just cake tasting, there was fun and laughter February began on a beautiful note this year for the people of Maiduguri. Imagine having seven mind-blowing cake varieties all in one plate.For cake lovers Debiraay's cake tasting event hosted by Desert queen fashion house,was like a dream come true as there were seven varieties of cakes available to guest and who wouldn't love to have a slice of their favourite Cake.The cakes were; 1.Rum Yum gateau 2.Red velvet Dulce 3.Double chocolate cake 4.Debiraay's lemon cake 5.Decadent chocolate cake 6.Vanilla cake 7.Debiraays cheese cake According to a guest He said "This is a great step forward ,the cakes are amazing and the concept is exceptional " another guest said she loved all the cakes in her words she said with excitement in her voice"The cakes are lovely, the double chocolate cak...