Alternative Strategy

Hello Everyone, It feels good to be back. My long break was really adventurous. The experiences gath ered are worth sharin g.T rust me when I say my stories are long and unendin g.Today, I will stick to the title because I believe someone needs to read this. I love kids, they are really fun to be with although sometimes they can be a nuisance .M ost times they are of my little friends about the age of three came around with his loosed shoe lace and I had to help him tie it . While I was tying the shoe lace, he broke the silence. Here is our little conversation; Boy: I am going to build you a house Me: OK ???? Boy: I can really build a house ( I shook my head and smiled) Boy: I can build a very tall house Me:That is good....but how will you build me a house,What will you need to build the house? Boy :YOU will give me the list of the things for building the house.Then,I will buy them and build...