It is Nigeria's Birthday

It's October 1st again, a good break from the usual Monday happenings.I had a good sleep and it was a stay home day for me. I however could not help but think about Nigeria,seeing several updates by Nigerians on social media platforms about the celebration one thing was clear to me,people are beginning to loose hope. It's like year in year out its the same problems.... Unemployment, insecurity, corruption, bloodshed and more negatives pulling the nation backwards despites it's great potential .I see a people pained and disappointed but I can't help but see that it is out of the love for Nigerians and the yearning for a better Nigeria. I love Nigeria too and I love Nigerians. Nigerians are unique ,resilient and have a very good sense of humor. I encourage us to stay hopeful, vote wisely and do something positive for Nigeria today. I'm not saying we should stop prayi...